Subject: The good, the bad and the ugly

You ever see that old school western with Clint Eastwood?

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Now I won’t be talking about that classic “spaghetti western” today.

But I will be sharing how when life hits you with all 3 at the same time…

You’ll be able to master their effects on your life.

So keep reading… this is one of the most intense, life altering mindset shifts you can make to keep you on track.


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that word?

Probably things like…

Being responsible when it comes to paying your bills…

Always completing your tasks on time at your work…

Or showing up for events that your family is counting on you to attend.

Which is all true.

But I wanted to share a whole other level of responsibility when it comes to how you can maintain full control, no matter what happens.

Once you master this perspective…

You truly become an architect of your life.

So let’s get back to the good, the bad and the ugly.

On any given day, you could be hit with circumstances or events that fit into all three of those categories.

And normally, it’s very easy to simply lump an event into either “good or bad” and that’s it… done.

But that’s how someone who hasn’t mastered the art of being “in the driver’s seat” looks at things.

If it’s good… they feel like a Victor.

If it’s bad… they feel like a Victim.

When in fact, any event in your life is always both.


What do you mean?

Let’s say you lose your job.

Someone might say, “Oh that’s horrible… how will you pay the bills?!”

Someone else says, “Oh wow… now you can focus on launching a new business of your very own!”

You know what… they both can be right.

For once you fully understand that you can pull out the benefits from both sides of the good and bad equation…

You’re in the driver’s seat my friend.

You are in complete control.

And where you drive your vision next all depends on how you choose to focus on those “supposedly” good and bad events.

Put your attention on everything bad about it… welcome to the victim passenger seat… where you have zero control.

Put your attention on everything great about that same event…

You’re cruising full speed ahead heading for your next victory lap!

So the next time something happens to you, stop and remind yourself of this key concept.

Good, bad or ugly…

You can turn it all into your greatest triumph.

Keep leveling up my friend,

- Duane Eberhard

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled tomorrow… I’ve got something really good for you to look at!

The Good Stuff Solutions, Have a Great Day and look for the Good Stuff in life!, Canada
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