Subject: So.. you “deserve” this… (?)

So, I was thinking…


Why does bad stuff seem to happen to the same people over and over?


You know the type.


The ones who always talk about how they got screwed over.






“Treated poorly…”


They blame everything on everyone else.


Eternal victims.


Instead of looking in the mirror and asking the tough questions…


They blame EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING else for their life. 


They want you to feel bad for them (or think they're just… unlucky).


But when you dig into their lives just a little bit - you see it. 




Unethical behavior…






They aren’t victims… they do it to themselves!


But then you see a winner.


And guess what - they NEVER bitch about their circumstances or life. 


They just… win




I think it’s a matter of perspective. 


Losers lose and always find someone or something to blame.


It’s “never” their fault.


And winners… just win.


So you have a choice everyday... 


To win or lose.


To struggle through it or to give up. 


To own your decisions or blame everyone else.


No matter what you decide...


You get what you deserve.




- Duane Eberhard


P.S. I just dropped this brand new video yesterday. Did you see it yet?