Subject: Shout out to all the dad’s (Ladies read this too)

Dad’s – aren’t they the best?

So it’s Fathers Day today.

I thought I would take a moment to give a shout-out to all fathers, dad’s and step-dads out there.

You guys rock.

How did the “Father’s Day” holiday start?

Here is a brief video of the history of the holiday we call “Fathers Day”.

Did you realize in the USA that “Mother’s Day” has officially been around since 1914?

Yet, “Father’s Day” wasn’t officially recognized by the government until 1972.


It only took another 58 years after Mother Day to officially recognized dads.

What the heck???

No matter what you called him -- Dad, Daddy, Father, Pops, Pa, Old Man...

They taught us to throw a baseball, ride a bike, or even how to change a flat tire, if you’re lucky.

Remember, a good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society.

So don’t take them for granted.

Yes, they may have creative (different) ways to parent from mom’s, but that is the beauty of the whole idea of mom’s and dad's.

Dad’s just approach things from a different perspective.

That’s what helps make our kids more well-rounded individuals.


As a dad, the only approval you need comes from your own mini-humans who show their appreciation with mud pies, dead spiders, blanket forts, and glitter crafted popsicle-sticks that defy the limits of glue stability.

Your kids don’t need lightning-speed heroics or strength of steel: they need consistency and strength of character.

You’re not aiming for world peace, simply peace in the home.

You just do you. You give your all every single day because your little ones are watching, learning, and depending on you.

In between the doctor visits, brace-face bullying, and missing soccer cleats 5 minutes before game time you consciously find ways to teach your offspring that integrity, kindness, and hard work are what defines you as a person.

You’re not just being a father: you’re being a role model. For all of us.

Some superheroes don’t have capes…  They’re called “Dad”!

So take some time today to let your dad know just what he really means to you.

Plus, I bet he would love to hear from you!

Let your dad know just how important he is to you!

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there!

- Duane Eberhard

In honor of my dad... Here is a picture of him when he was 18 years old. He was a pretty sharp-looking dude back in the days! (Thanx Dad, I love you!)

PS - Here is some wisdom that fits me and my relationship with my father… 

“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.”