Subject: Self-talk… “Friend” or a “Foe”

Do you have that little voice in your head?

You know the one I’m talking about…   Self-talk!!!

What happens when you let that internal self-talk engine run with no restrictions on it…

I'm curious…

Do you ever pay attention to what you are saying about yourself all day long?

When you are unconscious about what you’re thinking.

When you are unaware of your thinking, just letting that engine run ‘willy nilly’, what is it saying?

Is that little voice a “friend” or a “foe”?

Is it saying…

… you are magnificent?

… you are great?

… you are important?

… you matter?

… anything in life that you want you can have?


- or -

Is it saying…

… you could have done better.

… you really messed that up.

… the world is against you.

… that will never work for you.

… you’re unlucky.

… life is so unfair.

Etc, etc, etc.


I'm willing to bet that for most of us, that little voice is probably spending most of its time telling us the negative things.

Let’s put an end to that today.

Now let me share with you how I leveraged the belief shifting power of affirmations when I was first starting out.

Repeating to myself over and over again while hustling during those long hours at my day job “I’m a millionaire marketer.”

That daily repetition kept my mindset strong during those tough days.

But of course you can’t keep saying your empowering affirmations 24/7…

I mean you gotta sleep sometime right?

At some point, your subconscious self-talk engine takes the wheel…

And that’s when that old, nasty fuel of previous self-limiting beliefs can kick back in and have your internal engine sputtering and backfiring.

So what can you do?

Check your gauges.

Just like you would when you’re driving your car.

You’d check your oil, battery, your amount of fuel etc.

And if any one or all of them were low or having issues…

You’d fix, replace or refill them.

The same goes for your self-talk engine.


So if you’re cruising through your day and you feel rundown, worn out or reacting with negativity at the drop of a hat… it’s time to check your gauges.

Pump the brakes and stop everything you’re doing for just 5 minutes.

Take a peek under the hood of your mindset in that moment.

Is your inner talk all about what’s not going right…

Or feeling like the world is against you?

Maybe your gratitude tank is running on fumes because you’re struggling to find the benefits hidden within recent challenges.

Are you allowing stress and overwhelm to redline your internal engine to the point you’re about to blow?


Take a few minutes to refill that tank with all the things that you are grateful for…

The roof over your head…

The food on your table…

The air that you breathe…

The people you love and the people who love you…

The opportunities that are out there for us to go after…

Etc, etc, etc.

All it takes is a few minutes to check your gauges and reset, refuel and repair your inner talk engine.

Restart your engine with nothing but high octane, clean burning premium self-talk fuel.

You are magnificent...

You are great...

You are important…




And don’t you ever forget it my friend.

Fuel yourself with greatness,


- Duane Eberhard


P.S. - Remember... There is ALWAYS something or someone to be grateful for!

P.S.S - Controlling your inner 'self-talk' is something that will take time. Don't get discouraged when those negative thoughts "slip" in. Mastery comes through continued practice of your craft. Don't give up!

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