Subject: Make loot online without investing?

Make a bag loads of cheddar without investing?


It's probably no surprise that most folks want to reap all the rewards of life without any risk, right?


Here's a few more things I could get without investing:




I mean, I guess I could make em.  Sure it would suck.  Sure they'd fall apart.  Sure they'd be ugly.  But they'd be free.




I'm fairly dang certain I could visit the local junk years and piece together a new whip if I had to.


It probably wouldn't be much of a "whip".  More like a "whoops".


And I'd be driving that thing with Fred Flintstone technology, but who cares.  It's free right?




Listen, If I absolutely had to do it, I'm pretty sure I could dress myself with random pieces of fabrics I find around my city.


Sure it would be ugly.


Sure it would smell weird and be completely unattractive...  But it'd be free, right?


What's my point?


My point is FREE SUCKS!


If life's taught me anything it's that you get what you pay for.


And isn't it funny that the people who search for discounts in life tend to pay the highest prices of all...


...their happiness


If you want BOGO, go to Payless.


All others...

Go here before it's too late!!!

- Duane Eberhard