Subject: I'm excited for you!!!

Hey, it’s Duane and I want to take a moment to officially welcome and thank you for subscribing to my list!

My goal is to help motivate and inspire you to go after your goals and dreams whatever they are. 

Not that long ago, I was right where you are now - excited to get started but not sure who to trust or what to believe. 

I’m still on that journey myself, but I’ve come a looooong way and can save you some time and headache by sharing what I have learned and what is working for me. 

So when I email you, check it! 

It’ll be packed with stuff that I have learned that is proven, relevant, and working. 

Sound good?

Cool, let’s get started…

There are lots of fake gurus out there that’ll promise to show you how to turn a quick buck online. 

And truthfully, 99% of them couldn’t care less about you (tough to hear but true). 

The only thing they care about is enriching themselves.

So I consider myself lucky that I found a mentor that puts people before profits and cares about his clients and their success. 

His name’s Keala and he’s pretty much a wizard when it comes to launching a successful biz from scratch.

Plus, he has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I’ve met (not just in business but in life in general). So with that, I want to share a quick video from him breaking down how he went from minimum wage coffee shop employee to 6-figure business (and beyond) lightning fast...

Discover his secrets in this video now »

To your success,

Duane Eberhard


PS – BONUS > How would you like to get a daily dose of "Good Stuff"? Check this page out for a place that will expand your mind and raise your spirit. Good thoughts, good stories, good wisdom, good humor and good solutions!