Subject: I have had enough

I am worn out, tired and frustrated about my life!

That's how I felt just a few short years ago.


Fortunately, I had someone who crossed my path almost 10 years ago who would 'eventually' have a BIG impact on me. 


It took a long time for me to realize he would change the direction of my life (for the better)!


He was someone at the time who was struggling in life and was searching for direction (kind of like me at the time). 


When I met him, he was living in Hawaii and I was living in Arkansas.


We happened to be at an event in California and we struck up a conversation. 


We ended up becoming long-distance friends.  His name is Keala.


We kept in touch with each other via Facebook for a while.


But eventually…


Life kind of got in the way and we "lost touch" with each other after a couple of years. 


Then one day after a few years had passed, I happened to be watching some videos on YouTube, and guess who pops up on one of the videos? 


My friend Keala!


I was like "WOW"!  


After getting over the shock of seeing him, I decided to watch his video.


When I met him, he was struggling to figure out who he was and what he wanted to do with his life. 


He was working at a coffee shop as a barista while living in the basement of his mom's house.


Needless to say, he wasn't doing great in life!


So I watched this video of him giving a tour of his house that he was living in that he had recently bought. 


The house was not a little "shack"... 


It was a really nice modern house that looked stunning.


Now my brain was racing...  


How did he go from living in his mom's basement, struggling to pay his bills, to go all the way to buying and living in such a nice house with a great view in just a few years?


To say the least I was confused!




Actually my mind was racing with so many questions! (my skeptical mind was in full gear)


How did he manage to pull this off?


Did he hit the lottery? 


Did a rich relative leave him a bunch of dough ($)? 




Was he pulling some kind of scam???




In the video he talked about this business that he started that had allowed him to create this lifestyle in just a few short years. 


He talked about his struggles before (a.k.a. being a broke barista living in his mom's basement) and how he had turned his life around. 


Needless to say, I was intrigued.




My well-trained skeptical mind blew him and his offer off as something that was either a scam or something that I could never do.


Either way, I said, "No, it's not for me!!!" (like any good skeptic would)


Fast forward a couple more years...


I kept seeing his "stupid" videos pop up over and over and over and over... 


Every time I turned around, another one of his videos would pop up on Facebook or YouTube, talking about all the successes other people were having by following what he was teaching.


Then one day something changed my thinking...


I had been working at the same job for over 10+ years, I was not where I wanted to be in life and I was getting more and more frustrated with my life. 


I just got through putting in another 60+ hour week in at work.


-      I was beaten down physically…


-      I was beaten down mentally…


-      I didn’t have time for a normal life.


-      I felt like I was in that movie “Groundhog Day”.  I was stuck in a loop working all the time (same thing, day-in and day-out… Ugh!)


-      I definitely didn’t feel appreciated at my job.


(I am sure no one else can relate to that...)


Then one day I was doing something on my computer and you’ll never guess what happened…


That’s right, another one of his damn videos popped up!


I almost flipped away from the video because I was so tired and worn out.




This time in my own personal frustration and doubt, I decided to watch his video.


That’s when something "flipped" in me.  


I was tired of being overworked, feeling underappreciated, disappointed with myself, and struggling in life with little to no direction. 


This is not what I imagined life would be like!!!

That’s when I decided I have had enough!!!


That’s when I decided things in my life have to change. (maybe you’re there now)


I got rid of my skeptical mind, just for a moment, and I watched his video with an open heart and an open mind


Then I asked myself one simple question...


What if what he is saying is true and I could do this and change the trajectory of my life for the better? 




I actually remember thinking after watching the video 3 or 4 times in a row...  


What if it is true and it can work for me?


That's when I took the "leap of faith" and "stepped up to the plate" and took a chance to learn more about what he was offering.


It's been a great journey for me, learning and working with a great group of folks Keala has put together. 


They genuinely want to see me succeed


I am truly blessed for having made this decision to go on this journey. 


I am a better person for it.  And I do not feel bad about that one bit.


So, with all that being said, I would encourage you to click on this video link and judge for yourself (with an open heart and an open mind). 


Don't be as skeptical as I was for so many years!


I hope you have a Great Day and I look forward to hearing about your future successes!


- Duane Eberhard 


PS – Don’t wait “years” like I did to see what you are missing.

PSS – Take a chance on yourself…  Take a chance… Watch this video!