Subject: I am so tired of this!

“You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.”

I definitely have known that feeling before!  It sucks!!!

Have you ever felt this way in life?

Or maybe you feel like you live there constantly.

It seems like no matter what you do or say, someone is there to criticize you for your decision.

Do you hate it as much as I do?

Do you realize this happens to just about everyone in some way, shape or form at some time in their life?  Things like:

  • How you drive - Maybe someone is a “back seat driver”?  If you don’t drive exactly like they want or expect, you are critiqued or criticized.

  • To drink or not to drink - If you have a drink, people may interpret you as a "lush" (especially if they are a “non-drinker”) and if you don’t drink people may interpret you as a “Teetotaler” or uptight.

  • How you eat – Vegetarians giving meat eaters a hard time (and vise versa), all the different diets and what they proclaim is the “right way” to eat.

  • Our viewpoints on sex – If you “put out” too much you are a “slut” or “gigolo”.  If you don’t “put out” you are frigid, a tease, a prude or God forbid, a “virgin”.

  • Physical Appearance – Judging someone by their weight or appearance. (Too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too shabbily dressed, not the right hair-do, wrong shoes, etc)

  • Your Parenting Skills - Parents attempting to raise their kids (society says you have to raise your children a certain way, even if you don’t agree)

  • Politicians – Our elected leaders attempting to appease their constituents (Some voters love them and others hate them no matter what they say or do)

  • Religion - Maybe you happen to believe in a particular religion (I don’t even want to start to get into this topic.  This topic has started wars!)

  • Title – Judging someone based upon the title they carry. (Mayor, officer, doctor, nurse, janitor, electrician, plumber, garbage man, secretary, mother, etc.)

  •  Friends - Maybe you have some painful news that a friend needs to hear.  You may be stuck in the quandary of…  If I tell them the truth, it’s going to hurt their feelings.  And if I don’t tell them and they find out that I didn’t tell them, it’s going to hurt their feelings.

“You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.”

Remember the only reason this phrase exists is that no matter what you do, there will be someone eager to criticize your decisions, thoughts or perspective.

Some of these criticisms can actually come from the people who love and care about us. 

They have the best intentions (most of the time).

It can be disguised in comments like:

  • Can’t you just be happy with what you are doing?  Why do you need to do something else?

  • Why would you want to do that?

  • I know someone who did that and they lost their shirt!

  • I tried that once and it didn’t work.

  • That’s dumb! That will never work.

  • What do you know about doing that?  Do you really think you’re smart enough?

  • Don’t get me wrong, but that will never work for you.

  • If you want to waste your time, by all means, go ahead.

  • It’s your funeral if you want to do that!

  • I don’t want to be the one to tell you “I told you so!” (Isn’t that sweet of them to be so kind!)

  • Are you crazy?  What are you thinking?

  • Just remember when it doesn’t work out, you only have yourself to blame.

Are you tired of these people in your life?

I know I was. 

That’s why I took control of my own life and quit listening to all those nay-sayers!

So what are you willing to do right now to better your life?

What are you willing to do, learn, and become even though you know you will get criticized and critiqued?


Remember what Eleanor Roosevelt said:

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right,

for you will be criticized anyway!”


I am challenging you to take yourself on and make your world a better place. 

And we do that by becoming better, learning new skills, thinking different thoughts and doing new things.


"Don't be distracted by criticism.

Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you." --Zig Ziglar


I have come across this great opportunity for you to change your future if and only if you are willing to go through the criticism.

I fought through it and my world is so much better than what it was.

I hope you take yourself on and watch this.  Your future depends upon you!


"Whatever you do, you need courage.

Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


So, work hard to remove all the FUD in your life. 

What is FUD you ask? Good question!

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

The 3 things that hold back so many people from accomplishing great things in their life.

Take the first step and watch this video now.

I look forward to hearing about your future success.

- Duane Eberhard

PS – The people who learn to remove the FUD in their life do great things.  Take action now!  You deserve it!