Subject: Happy 4th!

On July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies of the Americas adopted the Declaration of Independence.

They took a stand against the tyranny of British rule and formed a nation dedicated to the ‘Pursuit of Happiness’.

For better or worse, lots has changed since then except for one thing… humankind’s desire to be free!

Free from a ruler, and free from a time clock.

And believe it or not, for most of the world, that’s just a far-flung fantasy.

That’s why I set out on this ‘internet journey’ to begin with.

To create an income at my fingertips while indulging in the rights many have fought and died to protect.

One day I hope you’ll join me, too.

We’ve got a great team at Fullstaq that works hard to help our clients’ succeed with their online businesses (even if they’ve got no experience at all).

But for today, I hope you’re just spending some good ol’ time with family and friends.

Happy Independence Day, compadre… wherever you are.

- Duane Eberhard