Subject: Do you love or hate 64.28% of your life?

64.28% is a big number.


Especially once you realize that’s roughly the amount of time you’ll spend at your job or career.


So wouldn’t you think it’s pretty damn important to put yourself in the position of doing work that you actually enjoy?

Because hating 64.28% of your time on this earth is not the way to go.


There are much better ways to live…

To create…


To tap into inner greatness that far too many people hide from the world.

The reason I bring up this whole 64.28% concept is because our team member Jason Legaard came across a pretty intense video from Gary Vaynerchuk that breaks it all down.

Just a heads up if you’ve never seen Gary’s stuff… he likes to curse a bit.



I wonder who else you know does that from time to time :)

But if you can bypass a few naughty words…

This video right here could be the perfect antidote to a case of the Mondays.


Tap here and check it out.

Now go crush it,


- Duane Eberhard