Subject: Damn, must be nice!

Next time you say "Damn, must be nice!" take a moment and think about what it took to create that lifestyle that looks so appealing to you.

8-5 didn't make it.

Parking our ass on the couch to watch TV every night didn't make it.

Sleeping in on Saturdays didn't make it.

Calling in "sick" didn't make it.

Being content with where we're at didn't make it.

It came from some 15-20 hour days.

It came from rising before the sun.

It came from working on weekends.

It came from sacrificing family time.

It came from wanting a better tomorrow at the expense of today.

These are a few things to consider before you throw out "Damn, must be nice" at someone! 

We are all products of our competence. 

And extra efforts are what make the biggest differences at the end of the day! 

If you truly want a better life for yourself, you will have to temporarily sacrifice some or all of the following things: time, money, comfort, stability, quiet time, personal life, sanity, satisfying immediate desires.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

Remember, nothing worthy comes the easy way, least of all success in business.

Making a sacrifice for success is inevitable.

However, be careful not to lose the things that matter and make you happy along the way.

You don’t want to wake up one day and realize that the sacrifices for greatness you made cost you happiness, health and peace.

Yes, it’s better to cry in a Lamborghini, but make sure you don’t cry too often.

Otherwise, go and create the life of your dreams.

- Duane Eberhard

PS - Here is something to help you reach your success. 

PSS - Go for the short-term pain to get the long-term gain! Stay Hungry!