Subject: Can you believe it? I was left behind…

When I was a little kid, about 7 or 8 years old.


I went to the grocery store with my mom to make the weekly grocery run.


This particular day my mom was having one of “those days”!


You know what I’m talking about…


She was totally stressed out.


We were struggling as a family.


She was attempting to keep the family afloat.


She did the cooking, cleaned the house (with my help), and attempted to managed the limited budget that we lived on.


Needless to say, we were not wealthy by any means…


We lived in a 10 x 50 mobile home…


That’s 3 people (mom, dad and me) living in a 500 sq foot tin box.


My mom struggled to manage the family finances...

We constantly had those dreadful yellow or orange envelopes with word "CUTOFF" in red letters containing "cutoff" notices for our utilities (gas, electricity, phone, etc)

In my house, you hated to answer the phone because there was a really good chance that it was a creditor calling and wanting money (that we owed them).

Here's a fun fact...

When I was growing up, I would answer the phone when my parents weren't home and those creditors could get really mean.

They would say nice things like:

"Your parents must be really bad people. They don't pay their bills."

"If your parents don't pay their bills, we will take everything and you won't have a place to live. How would you like that?"


Needless to say, it scared the sh*t out of me as a little kid.

So this was why my mom had varying degrees of being continuously “STRESSED”.


This particular day her stress level was on HIGH!!!


We finished in the grocery store and as we were walking out to the car my mom remembered something she forgot to get in the store.


She gave me some money and asked me to go in and get what we forgot while she loaded the groceries in the car.


So, I eagerly took the money and ran into the store to get the forgotten item.


Now this particular day the grocery store was really crowded.


I went in and grabbed the needed item and then stood in the long line to check out.


Now, while I was in the store, my mom loaded up the groceries in the car and proceeded to drive home.


I finally finished paying for the forgotten item and walked out of the store to hop in the car to go home with mom.


There was one problem…  I couldn’t find her anywhere in the parking lot.


I walked all over the parking lot…  No mom!


I looked around the back of the building thinking that maybe she was pulling a “trick” on me.


No luck…  I couldn’t find her anywhere!


Then it hit me…




What mother does that?


Plain and simple…


A very stressed out and overwhelmed mother.


Needless to say, that moment in time really caused some trauma in my life.


I figured out at that moment that I truly do NOT like being left behind.


Fast forward to today…


That lesson has carried forward to my desire to never feel like I have been left behind.


How about you?


Have you ever felt like you’re being left behind by this fast-paced and ever-changing world?


Are you constantly on the internet with your phone, laptop, or home computer?


Maybe you are even one of those people who always throws in their “2 cents” into the mix and spends time over worthless online arguments?


Or, are you making any extra cash while you’re wasting time on the internet or endlessly texting about nothing?


Well, instead of arguing with strangers and wasting your valuable time, how about learning something new that just might put some extra cash into your pocket?


What am I talking about?


Freelance marketing… That’s what I’m talking about…”


My mentor, Keala Kanae, has an in-depth learning program that can open up the world of freelance marketing for you…


…and it’s one possible answer to the challenges the lockdown has created for our ever-changing society…


As fewer folks travel outside of their homes, more people are using their phones, laptops, and home computers to buy just about anything under the sun…


Ever wonder if you could sell something online?


Why not see what it’s all about and if it’s even a fit for you?


Can’t hurt…


Do you have any other options for 2021?


If so, that’s wonderful and I wish you the greatest good fortune…


Here we are at the end of April and the year is going by faster than we imagined and it looks like we all better have a good plan in place before the end of the year…


Do you have a plan?


If not, then Tap here to see a very different future you too can have…


It’s totally up to you…




Don’t get left behind!  Tap here and Take a look…


Stay healthy and prosperous my friend,


- Duane Eberhard


PS – Don’t get left behind…  Watch this video!


PSS – My mom did come back to get me that day.  She felt so bad.  I got some extra “hugs” that day.  🙂❤️