Subject: Blueprint for Failure (3 Steps)

Step 1: Make wishes, avoid plans

Right now, everyone is still trying to fulfill their wishes they made at the start of this year.

They’re going on about losing weight, making more money, advancing their career, blah blah blah.

But they don’t have a PLAN.

That’s a one way ride to Loserville, Failuretucky.

No thanks, I’ll pass.

Step 2: Avoid the advice of successful people

Most folks who say they want to lose weight will show up at the gym and when the trainer tells them they need to skip meals, spend twice the time they planned for, and buy a bunch of supplements…

...they’ll make excuses rather than find solutions.

Most folks who say they want to win big in business will complain the moment their mentor says, “Here’s a plan and it will cost you X…”

A surefire recipe for failure, destruction, and mayhem.

Step 3: Whatever you do, don’t watch this video »

If you really want to miss the mark, fail miserably, and live a life of painful regret and heartache…

...don’t watch this video »

It’s stupid-simple game plan, all the obstacles it eliminates, and priceless bonuses at the end (that won’t be offered ever again at this rate) can only lead to business breakthroughs and success that you can’t find anywhere else.

So avoid this video at all costs if you’re committed to failure.

You’ve been warned,

- Duane Eberhard

The Good Stuff Solutions, Have a Great Day and look for the Good Stuff in life!, Canada
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