Subject: 15 1/2 Things to make 2022 better than 2021

I promise... This will help make 2022 a much better year!!!

How do you prepare for a successful new year?

The New Year and 365 days of new beginnings are on the horizon.

2022 is here and it’s going to be a BIG year.

But are you ready to make the most of the new year?  To make it happen in 2022?

“It” being achieving your dreams and goals, crushing your plans and to-do’s, and so much more you hope your life has in store for you. 

There’s so much talk of having “the best year yet” and “new year new you” in the air.

But here’s the thing the advertisements and magazine articles often miss out on.

You must prepare and plan to ensure 2022 is your best year yet (or at least better than 2021, which shouldn’t be too hard).

None of these wonderful things will happen for you without a bit of preparation and planning on your part. 

Don’t take the “wish, hope, and pray it magically all works out” approach.

You must prepare for a successful and prosperous new year!

I want you to live your best life and have more joy, happiness, success, and achievement than ever before.

That’s my intention for 2022, and if it’s yours too, let’s get ready together.

To help you make 2022 the best year yet, here are 15 ½  ways to prepare for a successful new year.


#1 - Review Your Year

This is really important… 

Take time to reflect upon the last year before you start planning the next.

Look back at the great moments as well as the failures, disappointments, or frustrations about 2021.

Think about how much more you’ll accomplish in the new year when you reflect on the best life lessons and life-changing moments you had from 2021.

Key Point – Remember, there are no failures or mistakes in life if you learn from them.


#2 – Audit Your Life

Time to get real. 

How are things going? 

Do you feel happy and successful, or frustrated and unsatisfied?  Either way… It’s ok!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes life just “happens” and you end up where you never intended, or perhaps your life isn’t anything like you hoped it would be by now? 

That’s ok too!

When you audit your life, you’re not only reviewing the things that happened but analyzing all areas of your life and why they happened.

We only have so much time and energy to spread around…

So, oftentimes we’ve cared for just one or two areas of our lives to only neglect the other areas.

To do a simple life audit, consider the areas of your life including your:

-      Health and Fitness

-      Emotional and Mental wellbeing

-      Finances and Money habits

-      Relationships and Family

-      Career and Learning

-      Spiritually and Community

Think about how you feel about each of these areas and consider what you would change or spend more time doing if you could.

What’s most important? 

Key Point – You can’t accomplish everything in one year, but you can prioritize one or two new areas and make a positive impact on those areas.


#3 – Make a New Year’s Resolution

Do you believe in setting new year’s resolutions?

Have your past resolutions come to pass in the past year for you?

If not, maybe you need to learn all the steps to help you to turn your hopes, wishes, and desires for 2022 into reality.

So, you better keep reading! (only if you want a better 2022 than you had for 2021)

Here’s a little-known secret to help you actually accomplish your new year’s resolution.  Don’t wait until midnight on New Year’s Eve to think of it.

Take care to choose the right new year’s resolution for you!

Don’t feel silly about taking this seriously either, especially if setting a New Year’s resolution motivates and inspires you to take action.


“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” – Alan Lakein

Now that you've reviewed your year and audited your life, you should have a good idea of what issues and areas of your life your want to improve. 

You can change your life for the better!  And a new year’s resolution is a great first step in that direction.


#4 – Have a Goal Setting Retreat

Are you ready to set goals and actually achieve them in 2022?  I certainly hope so!

A goal-setting retreat is a planned and dedicated time for goal setting.

The key is to make sure you are away from the usual day with no interruptions.

Goal-setting retreats work best when you are alone.

So, pick a free day or part of the day to spend goal setting and planning for 2022. 

You can be as fancy or relaxed with your goal-setting retreat as you like.

Make it a few hours, a day, or maybe even a weekend event. 

Plan to be home alone or book a room, order room service and have a great time.

If you want to go for a “low-key” goal-setting retreat, find a few hours and go to a nice local coffee shop or quiet co-working space.

“What should I do at my goal-setting retreat?” 

Good question!!!  Here are some ideas:

-      Review your year (you did that already in step #2)

-      Make a vision board (How to... & Vision Board apps)

-      Set SMART Goals (Examples)

-      Write a Mission Statement (Examples)

-      Create a Personal Mantra (How to... & Kick-Ass Mantra)

-      Make a list of Personal Goals (Examples)

-      Set your priorities (How to...)

-      Plan your year in advance (see step #5)

Basically, you can do all these things to prepare for a successful new year at your goal-setting retreat!


#5 – Plan Your Year

Don’t you just love planning the new year?  (if not, fake it and do it anyway…)

There’s something about having 12 months of fresh possibilities laid out before you.

You absolutely need to have a goal planner or a good day planner to plan your year out in advance.

No matter what planner you’re using, the most important thing to do is to add your goals to your planner. 

As the famous saying goes…

“A goal without a deadline is just a wish!”

You can transform your unique new year’s resolutions into a goal by thinking S.M.A.R.T.: Strategic, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic (Relevant), and Time-bound.

Remember, to plan your year, you need to emphasize the timeline and deadline of your goals.

You may be asking…  “What if my goals don’t have a deadline?”

That’s another excellent question!

When it comes to your goals, you need to set a deadline and strategically plan out your timeline to attain those goals.

Here is a silly but very relevant question for you… 

How do you eat an elephant? 

Hint…  One bite at a time. 

The same way you tackle your goals (bite-sized pieces).

When planning my year, I first set one BIG goal for 2022, then break it down into smaller quarterly goals, then monthly goals, weekly goals, and finally daily goals (bite-sized pieces).

You may be saying this seems like an awful lot of work.

Key Point Do you want your dreams and goals to come true?  Then break those goals down into bitesize pieces (go from a whole year to a quarter to monthly to weekly and even daily if you want to increase your chance at achieving your goals).

This helps keep you from being overwhelmed by how BIG the goal may seem at first.

Before you know it, you’re getting those “bite-size” pieces of your goal accomplished!  That’s a BIG EGO BOOST that motivates you to keep going!!!

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin


#6 – Create a Vision Board

Have you ever created a vision board before?  If not, it’s ok. It’s an enjoyable and powerful way to prepare for the new year.

A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams and goals. 

Your vision board can be made in any shape or size but are typically made from bristol board/poster board/corkboard.

For you "creative types", think of this as an art project.  You simply put inspirational images and words that depict your goals on the poster board.

Now you may ask, “Why in the world would I want to do something like this?”

You are on a roll with the great questions!

Vision boards work because they are a visualization tool that helps you picture yourself happy, successful, and living your best lifeSomething you truly deserve!

Now go find those magazines and craft supplies. 

Now, with your goals for 2022 in mind, collect images that you find inspiring and organize them on the “board” of your choice. 

If you choose to, you could even go online and create a digital vision board using a free graphic design tool or a vision board app.

Key Point – Make sure you display your vision board in your home and/or office to inspire you daily.  Don’t forget to look at it every day!


#7 – Write a Mission Statement

Do you know what your purpose in life is?

Do you have a mission for 2022? 

What’s your “Why” (a.k.a. Why are you on planet earth?)

Ok, don’t freak out on me if you don’t know the answers to these questions right now.

These are deep questions, but there’s no better time to answer them than the new year.

It might take you a while to discover your purpose completely but creating a mission statement is a great way to start.

Without a mission statement (or purpose), you can feel lost, like you’re just drifting through life without clear priorities or direction.  

Does this seem familiar to you?

Key Point By writing a personal mission statement you are setting guidelines for your life. 

It determines what’s important to you, the kind of person you are and want to be. 

It outlines a plan aligned with your values and helps you track your progress.

It is not a one-time exercise, but a living breathing document to motivate and guide you through the entire year and beyond.

Hint…  It doesn’t have to be long either. 

Take time to craft a simple mission statement for your life. 

It will help you prioritize your time and energy and stay focused on your goals throughout 2022.

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once. - Napolean Hill

#8 – Make a Bucket List

Of course, you already know exactly what a bucket list is. 

But have you ever taken the time to create one?

Here’s a simple twist to help you plan the new year, make a list of everything you’d like to do in 2022.

Include all the things on your list, from epic adventures to everyday pleasures.

Here are a few questions to help you:

-      What have you always wanted to do?

-      Where do you want to visit?

-      What foods have you wanted to try?

-      Where have you always wanted to travel to?

-      What do you want to do before 2022 is over?

-      Is there anything you’ve been too scared to do?

There are endless bucket list ideas to choose from when you think about your life audit.

Write your bucket list in your journal, or on a page of your planner.  That way you keep it with you all year long and you can check them off as you do them.

Here’s an extra step, remember your vision board? 

Include some of your big bucket list items on your vision board too.

If you're stuck for ideas, check this out…  1000+ Bucket list ideas 


#9 – Create New Habits

Did you know that your daily habits will either make or break the new year for you?

Almost everything we do is dictated by our habits, for good or for bad.

From the moment your wake up until you fall asleep you’re running on routine and habit.

Key Point – That’s why 2022 will not be successful without creating new habits and making them stick.

Think about the things you do in the morning, how you spend your days, as well as your nighttime routine. 

What habits are harmful, and which ones are helpful?

Some common bad habits include too much screen time, procrastinating, impulse shopping or “retail therapy”, not exercising or eating junk, smoking, drinking too much alcohol, watching too much TV, or even just being in a bad mood

All of those things are learned behavior!!!

Key Point – The key to changing your habits is to replace them with more healthy habits.

The even better news is that you don’t need to change everything you do, just one habit that you can improve.

Choose one new successful habit that you can start. 

The easiest point of the day to add a habit are right when you wake up, before/after you eat, or right before/after you get out of bed.

Not sure what habits to start in the morning?  Here are a few to choose from:

-      Meditate

-      Go for a walk or run

-      Workout

-      Yoga

-      Eat a healthy breakfast

-      Review your To-Do list

-      Take a relaxing & soothing shower

-      Have time for self-care and grooming

-      Brew the perfect cup of coffee

-      Make your bed as soon as you get up (it gives you a sense of accomplishment)

-      Hydrate in the morning

-      Spend some quality time with the family


#10 – Add Accountability

I would love to tell you that you stay motivated all year long.

That you will stay focused and follow through just like that, without anyone or anything helping you.

Key Point – Ok, let’s get real… If you are like every human ever, you need accountability to keep you on track!

Someone who knows what you need to do and when, and actually follows up with you regularly to review your progress.

Sorry, but keeping yourself accountable doesn’t really work either.

Help from someone else is good!

“Always have a plan and believe in it.  Nothing happens by accident” – Chuck Knox

To prepare for a successful new year, you need to find an accountability partner

One person with who you can share your goals and plans, as well as have weekly conversations (if not daily check-in).

It’s not complicated or even as hard as making a new friend. 

Odds are you are already connected to someone who’s interested in being accountability buddies. 

Ask a sibling, friend, co-worker, or reach out in online communities.


#11 – Detox Your Life

When was the last time you cleansed your life and your home from all the negative things?

No sage smudging required…  But that can’t hurt either as it’s proven to cleanse the air.

Like junk, toxins can collect in our lives without us knowing. 

We’re talking about both literal and metaphysical toxicity. 

Anything that’s preventing you from living a healthy and happy life to the fullest.

So yeah, that “thing” you’re thinking about right now probably needs to go.

Even if it’s a person, a practice, or a possession…   Let go of the negativity.

Just like our bad habits, if it’s not helping you, it’s hurting you.

A few common toxins include that friend who brings you down, gossiping or being overly critical, or a photo of an ex that triggers negative or painful memories. 

‘Control + Alt + Delete’ all that sh!t from your life.

Go through and delete any and all things, even if it’s hard. 

There is freedom in letting go and moving forward.

You can’t live in the past; your life is now at this moment.


#12 – Clean Out the Clutter

Let’s continue tidying up our lives by getting rid of all the clutter!

Somehow things just seem to collect, accumulate, and pile up, don’t they?

Don’t fall into the “trap” of thinking you will need it someday.

I guarantee you that you have way more “stuff” than you need or even use.

Having more “stuff” doesn’t always make your life better. 

It can actually create overwhelm, stress, and anxiousness in your home.

To get all metaphysical on you, the energy can’t flow when you have an excess of “stuff”.

Not sure where to start to clean out the clutter?  Get started by:

-      Cleaning out your closet (things you haven’t worn in years or no longer like)

-      Emptying out your pantry

-      Detailing your car and trunk

-      Purging your basement and garage

-      Organize your bathroom cupboard

-      Emptying out your fridge

-      Cleaning out your email inbox

-      Cleaning out that “junk drawer”

Key Point – Doesn’t it feel good to start the new year fresh, without a cluttered and chaotic home?


#13 – Get Organized

You can’t plan a successful new year without first getting organized.

Like toxins and clutter, it’s way too easy to become disorganized, especially when you live with other people.

Creating systems for where things belong can not only save you time but reduce stress as well.

In the case of an emergency or a rush, you’ll always know exactly where to look for what you need.

Take some time to organize your home, particularly your home office, kitchen, bathroom, closet, bedroom, and even the “catch-all” garage.

Yes, that’s basically the entire home.  But start with the areas that are the most out of order.

Be sure to set a designated, safe space for important documents and identification.

You could also purchase a fire-proof locking file cabinet or a safe to store any legal papers, insurance papers, and financial documents.

One of the most disorganized places for people can actually be their devices and computers.

Luckily you can easily get organized using the “cloud” and this creates a secure backup as well.


#14 – Review Your Finances

How are your finances?  What’s your money situation?  Be honest!!!

You simply cannot prepare for a successful new year without reviewing your finances.

Money is often “THE THING” that most people feel is standing in their way of success.

It’s not surprising, with most North Americans are struggling financially.

Situations like living paycheck to paycheck and not being able to handle a financial emergency.

These all too common issues lead to financial ruin.

Key Point – This is why you need to review your finances and make a financial plan for the future that cuts spending, increases savings, and repays the debt.

Figure out things like:

-      Household income after taxes

-      Average household expenses

-      Rent or mortgage

-      Car payment and transportation costs

-      Food cost

-      Outstanding debt

-      Credit card Payments

-      Student loan repayment

-      Investments and other assets

-      Retirement and savings

-      Emergency fund (3-6 months of living expense)

Plus, if you don’t already do this, please create a budget for your spending.

There are plenty of examples of how to create budgets online.

This way you have no surprises in the new year and you can prepare for any big-ticket items, like vacations or home renovations by using a sinking fund.

If you are wondering what a sinking fund is…

A sinking fund is a strategic way to save money by setting aside a little bit each month.

Sinking funds work like this: Every month, you’ll set money aside in one or multiple categories to be used at a later date.

With a sinking fund, you save up a small amount each month for a certain block of time before you spend it.  (a.k.a. it keeps you from going into debt)


#15 – Make a Wellness Plan

Are you in good health or are you feeling a little “off”? 

Do you live a healthy lifestyle?

Health is so much more than physical fitness and nutrition, although that’s obviously important.

There’s a reason so many of us are setting new year’s fitness goals to “get fit” or “lose weight”.

Here is the trap that so many of us fall into… 

When life gets busy, health just isn’t a priority, until it’s too late.

Being healthy is not exclusive to physical health.  It also includes your emotional wellbeing, mental health, and spiritual health as well. 

To enjoy a prosperous new year, you have to be rich in all layers of health.

Commit to prioritizing your wellbeing now, so you can avoid physical pains, be more energized, and prevent burnout. 

Key Point – Decide that your health is important so you can stop yourself from making unhealthy lifestyle excuses like “it’s too hard”, or “I’m too busy”, or “it’s too expensive”.

Being healthy and taking care of yourself is a necessity, it’s the most important investment you can ever make.

It doesn’t have to be “hard”, it doesn’t have to be “intense”, just do something (as the Nike slogan says – “Just Do It!”)

Create a simple wellness plan that schedules:

-      Doing weekly meal planning so you can eat healthy meals

-      Regular exercises like walking, working out, Tai Chi

-      Staying hydrated and drinking lots of water (remember the human body is 70% water)

-      Sleeping better at night and getting enough sleep (this is challenging for a lot of people)

-      Taking time off to relax and enjoy mental health days

-      Practicing self-care by pampering yourself at home

-      Book your yearly physical, eye, and dental appointments

-      Read, listen to audiobooks, learn something new – do things that stimulate your brain

And so many more ways to add healthy habits and routines to your days and weeks.

Don’t just do these things when you’re falling apart but practice them regularly, so you stay healthy while achieving your dreams.


#15  ½ – Bonus – Other things to consider to make 2022 the best year ever

Read for 30 minutes per day

Create a new music playlist

Start a Gratitude Journal

Volunteer for something (give back to your community)

Be someone else’s accountability partner (help them succeed in 2022)

Reconnect with a friend with whom you’ve lost touch

And Finally…

Key Point It won’t always be rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns in this thing called “Life”. 

You will have tough days.  Expect it! 

Those are the times you need to put on your “Game Face” and power through those tough times.

This is your life, and you only get one shot at it.  Make the most of it!

I hope you take this advice and make this the best year ever.


Duane Eberhard

 P.S. Life is a dance between your greatest desires and your deepest fears!!! - Tony Robbins