Subject: Spring Flowers: FRESH's May Newsletter

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FRESH New London
May Newsletter
It is finally warm enough to enjoy Mother Nature's multicolored bonanza of green and flowers and shoots. 

As we write this, we realize that we just plain missed an April edition of this Newsletter. That doesn't mean we were not busy! Since our last newsletter, we hired two new staff in April, ran a very successful Spring Youth Crew program, has two great Plant Sales and did a ton of other work (we promise). 

You'll meet our new staff-- Sean and Lehla-- later in this newsletter, so keep reading! 

Table of Contents:

Scenes from the May Plant Sale

April Showers Bring May Labors: A Snapshot from the Busy Life of FRESH

Hello to Sean O'Brien

Hello to Lehla Owens

Your Chance to Donate to FRESH
A FRESH Snapshot: A Week of The Work
Some times it is hard to catch a breath around here. The week of May 21st was one of those weeks. We wrapped up our very damp but very successful FRESH Plant Sale (Saturday, May 19th) and were just packing everything away in the truck when it was MONDAY again!! 

Monday, a day of meetings and processing paperwork left over from the plant sale. And, a meeting of the FRESH Advisory Board that night (until almost 8:30pm!!).

Tuesday came early. We started the day with toddlers wandering the garden as part of the Early Childhood Development playgroup organized by New London Youth Affairs. Later that afternoon, some staff hosted Teens in Action who are earning service learning hours by weeding our garden beds while others headed over to the Williams Park Apartments to talk to residents about renovating their garden plots. That evening, McDonald Park Community Garden was suppose to host a Gardening 101 workshop. Pouring rain cancelled that event. 

Wednesday dawned bright and dry. FRESH Junior Staff hosted a screening of Food Chains at the High School, while other staff helped out at the United Way's Mobile Food Pantry at Jennings. 

One Thursday, our Urban Farm and Education Center was once again busy with little people. This time, we welcomed Harbor School 2nd and 3rd graders to sample rhubarb (they loved it, smell lavender and dig for worms. 

Friday, there were still weeds to pull, tomatoes to get in the ground, grant reports to finalize and grant proposals to start working on.... 

And then it was Saturday, and the Youth Crew headed to Sean's farm for some goat therapy and RnR. And we all recharged to do it again this week! 
Can you find the goats in this picture?

Hello Fresh!
I’m originally born in the Mid Atlantic and moved to the East Coast to New London in 2003/4. In 2006, I moved to Westerly, RI and finished attending school there. 

I’m drawn to social justice because I’ve always been interested in helping people. Throughout my adult life I’ve chosen jobs based on service and providing assistance, especially to those less affluent. 

As a child I always loved being outdoors and when I was in late middle school I decided to start my own garden st home. It gave me the space I needed to get away to my own personal happy place, while also being a hands on educational and empowering experience watching seeds I planted flourish. 

It was only natural to work in a garden. As for working with children. I’ve always been a child at heart and clung to the minds of the youth rather than people my age. I love their energy and passionate about their growth and imprint on the world as my generation and the ones before me age. 

The most fun thing so far has been connecting with the youth and sharing my knowledge with them, as well as they with me. I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can from the youth as well as inspire them. 

When I look into their faces I see me as a young girl playing in her garden bed.

Hello! Originally from Vermont, I have come to the New London area after living in the big cities of Boston and Washington, DC. I have diverse experience in urban agriculture, sustainable production growing, container gardening, dairying, beekeeping and egg production. 

I am interested in increasing sustainability in food production, food justice and education, permaculture, and being an evangelist for native plants. I’m bringing resourcefulness, curiosity of the natural world, and a deep love for fresh fruit and vegetables to my job at FRESH New London. I’m very excited to be working for an organization that is having such a positive impact on the community. 

We’ve hosted a number of school groups since I started working at FRESH in April. Seeing young children that are genuinely excited about vegetables and how they grow has, so far, been the most rewarding part of my job. 

I’m looking forward to watch as our hard work pays off in increasing how much food is grown right here in New London, helping to educate and inspire youth about healthy food options, and to empower community members to grow their own delicious food!

Interested in supporting FRESH with a tax-deductible donation?
Of course you are!! 

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PO Box 285, New london, CT 06320, United States
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