Subject: Righteous Ripening: FRESH New London July Newsletter

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July 2016
It's summer. Flowers are blooming, corn is crowning and our vegetables are ripening. But FRESH isn't just growing food, we are growing community! And that is where righteous relationship comes into play. 

In this edition of our monthly newsletter we will report on some of FRESH's partnerships throughout New London.  Collaborations are key to our work and add so much value to FRESH!  Of course we couldn't fit all of our partnerships in this addition.  Check out our website to find a full list of organizations & partners that are #CertifiedFRESH.   

We are also excited to share news from our FRESH Summer Youth Crew - the youth crew that grows, harvests and markets FRESH produce & examines food justice in our community. Take a look below for a notice about our youth run FRESH Market! 
In this issue, we work together with:
  • Spark Makerspace
  • Bike New London
  • New London Public Schools
And we share
  • Information about the FRESH Market
  • Interview with FRESH Youth- Heriomar Hernandez & Coralys Sanchez 
  • Recipe of the Month: Massaged Kale Salad
  • Farm to Pier on August 17th - Click here get your tickets today! 
We Collaborate with SPARK Makerspace to Improve Farm Systems
Saturday, July 2 was one of those perfect summer days. Clear. Warm. Bright. One might say it sparkled. Or, maybe it just sparked! 

Because by 9:30 am, more than twenty volunteers-- connected to Spark Markerspace & FRESH New London-- were hard at work on construction of FRESH's new compost system. You may remember our old system-- an unruly pile weeds in one corner of the garden site; or our less-old pile, hidden and hard to reach behind the FRESH truck. 

Our new system is constructed of re-purposed pallets and features a number of bays for weeds, old produce and kitchen scraps. The bays make it easy to turn the compost pile for better air circulation, decomposition and heat.

We are so grateful to Spark! They did more than just pull nails and drill and hammer. Bill Paradis and others helped to design a system just right for FRESH. And now Spark members will put their design and fabrication skills to use in crafting great signage for our system too. 
Why are they doing all of this? Because they believe in community, in putting their skills in the service of good work, and because we made them awesome garden pesto wood fire pizzas at the end! 

FRESH youth will start using Spark's commercial kitchen next week for cooking with farm produce workshops! 

Spark is bringing new energy to downtown and we are delighted to be working with them.

This is how they describes themselves: Spark is a community of people who work and play independently & together dedicated to making things and making things happen. Members contribute monthly dues to share a full woodshop, commercial kitchen, 3D printers and electronics, artspaces, shared office, meeting and classrooms space, retail space and much more. 
BIKE New London Outfits Us With Bikes and Bike Knowledge
This summer, FRESH youth will be taking care of vegetable beds at Winthrop, Nathan Hale and the Harbor School, as well as tending gardens throughout the city. 

How do we get from point A to point B? How do we learn more about our city? How do we get stronger and healthier? How do we not spew harmful toxins into the environment on the way to take care of plants and soil? 

The answer to all those question is the same! BIKES. Yep. This summer, FRESH Youth are geared up with five bicycles and a trailer from BNL. We have helmets and we are ready to roll. At least once a week, the Summer Crew will be riding New London's streets to water, weed and harvest at a variety of gardens around the city. Look out for us! 

We are really grateful to Rob and the folks at BNL for outfitting us with bikes and bike knowledge. If you are looking to learn bike repair skills, buy a refurbished bike, or to donate your unused bikes, please stop by their State Street storefront (310 State Street). The mission of BNL is to increase bicycle use in this community by providing everyone with access to bikes, bike repair and bike knowledge on a sliding scale. They are definitely fulfilling their mission by partnering with FNL! Check them out on Facebook. 
FRESH Market - every Thursday!

Come out and buy delicious, healthy produce grown, cared for and harvested by New London area youth.

See cooking demonstrations and sample delicious eats! Support youth empowerment! See your neighbors! Tour FRESH’s new composting system.

We accept EBT and Farmers Market coupons. We accept credit and debit cards. Come on out!

Thursdays 4:30-7:30pm
FRESH Urban Farm 
Corner of Mercer & Williams 
Schools Out, But FRESH Keeps Harvesting
Summer doesn't mean the end of learning and growing, not in New London. Throughout the school year, FRESH was instrumental in building and growing the vegetable beds at New London HS and at elementary schools throughout our city. 

These beds were learning and connecting sites, as young people from age 6-16 (and younger and older) planted, weeded, watered and harvested while learning about sustainability, health and food justice. Now that the halls and playgrounds at our schools are quiet, the vegetable beds that the young people planned and planted are really bursting with produce. So, as we mentioned in the description of our partnership with Bike New London, FRESH Summer Crew are taking responsibility for watering, weeding and harvesting over the summer (on bicycles). 

The Farm to School Partnership is great and strong. FRESH Executive Director Alicia McAvay is just back from a great retreat at Shelburne Farms in Vermont, where she helped the Farm to School Institute develop a year-long action plan that we are excited to present to the school community. 
The FRESH Vacation: A Conversation with Two Summer Crew Youth
This summer we have a great group of youth who are working hard towards a sustainable, environmentally friendly and more secured food system. FRESH has 15 youth from around New London County. Two of those youths are spending their summer vacation in New London from their homes in Puerto Rico. Instead of spending their precious summer time at home, they are spending it at FRESH; learning about the food system and connecting to the community. 

Both FRESH participants are from low income families, and they are grateful to be part of our program. Heriomar is a 14 year old who likes basketball, and playing videogames. He is from the town of Hatillo, on the coastal-rural part of the island. Coralys is also 14 years old. She likes to run her bike around her neighborhood and participate at the art club at her school. She lives in the town of Bayamon; an urban community. Erick Carrion, our youth organizer, sat down with them to ask what they like about FRESH and if they are having fun while learning.

Before you joined us for the summer you started working as a volunteer every Saturday? Why?
Heriomar: Because FRESH caught my attention, the work that FRESH does is important, I feel that kids around my age don’t really like to be outside, don’t like doing gardening or agricultural work, but I like it. FRESH is a great place to connect and make new friends, to get to know other people.

Coralys: Because it is interesting to work with a group of diverse people at the garden. And I am always learning about nature and agriculture at the garden. I came every Saturday in the past month as a volunteer because FRESH is cool and we have pizza some days! And I love pizza!

You are supposed to be here for vacations, why did you decide to be part of the program at FRESH for the summer?
Heriomar: I am on vacation, but instead of being at home watching movies or playing videogames, I am being more productive by gardening, learning about agriculture and doing hands-on work. It is like summer school but more cooler! I am learning important stuff, which I can share with friends and family.

Coralys: Because I liked when I was participating as a volunteer and I wanted to be part of the summer program. It is better for me to be learning and working at the garden, than just staying at home and doing nothing but watching movies. Besides we have fun in the summer program, it is not like I am not enjoying my vacations.

Why do you think the work FRESH does is important?
Heriomar: Because FRESH is growing plants from scratch and we are giving the opportunity to the community to be part of something bigger, like that system we learned about last week (the food system). Yes, we are putting people in the food system but in the good way, so everyone can take part of growing what they are eating.

Coralys: Because FRESH is helping the community to get fresh food, not a lot of people have access to fresh food, and thank to FRESH lots of vegetables are sold at low prices and a lot of food get donated to the community.

What are some things that you have learned at FRESH and that you are ready to take with you to the Island?

Heriomar: One of the things I have learned that I am taking with me to the island? I am taking everything I have learned. But something that really caught my attention was the composting system, how can we return some of the good stuff that earth gives us, back to earth.

Coralys: I have learned so much, but I think all the things I have learned am taking them all and create my own garden at home. Mom has flowers but I feel like I want to grow food, something useful that can keep me healthy.

Recently we changed the name of the community garden to the Urban Farm & Education Center? What is the difference between gardening and farming to you?
Heriomar: A garden is about more like caring the plants, cultivating flowers, it is more like a basic thing. A farm is more powerful it is more than raising plants, and harvesting, it is about putting more dedication to our work, about working together in something bigger.

Coralys: The garden is more about seeding planting, and beautiful flowers, the farm sounds more like what we do, hard work, taking lot of sun for a purpose, it is like the farm has a more stable organization.

I know what you are thinking: Now I have to give my kale a massage? Give me a break! 

Its not enough that the vitamin packed superfood has taken over your garden bed, insinuated itself into your smoothie and your snack bowl and gotten its own eating contest (how much kale can you eat in 8 minutes?) Now you have to release its tension? It sounds like an yuppie nightmare, but it is really simple and really delicious! And since you have a ton of kale and you know its good for you, you might as well give it a try! 

Massaged Kale Salad (or Kalad as I like to call it)

Wash and dry your freshly harvested kale
Remove the stems (easiest to fold the leaf in half with the stem out and slice it out) and rip kale into pieces the size of your inner palm
Rub a salad bowl with olive oil and put ripped kale into it
Sprinkle with more olive oil and salt
Get in there and give that kale a deep tissue massage, like kneading bread for two or three minutes
Watch the kale almost cook while you are doing this. It will get darker green and smaller. 

Now your possibilities are endless! You can sprinkle with a little vinegar, pepper and more salt and enjoy a simple salad or you can dress it up 100 different ways. 

Here are two of my favorites (sized for one robust bunch of kale), serves two for dinner, four for sides:

In a small bowl, whisk quarter cup of lemon juice with two teaspoons of honey and lots of freshly ground black pepper. Stream in the 1/4 cup of oil while whisking until a dressing forms, and you like how it tastes. Pour the dressing over the kale, and add one chopped mango and a handful of toasted pepitas. Toss and serve.

Be advised: The recipe linked above is a little more complicated than what I have adapted here 

Toss half cup of golden raisins and three-quarters cup of toasted pine nuts on kale. Gradually add the dressing (whisked half cup of olive oil, quarter cup of lemon juice, and a generous pinch of salt) tossing to coat, tasting along the way. Finish with a liberal portion of Pecorino cheese shavings. 

Interested in supporting FRESH with a tax-deductible donation? Of course you are!! Donate Here or follow this link:
Interested in visiting and volunteering at the farm?
At FRESH, we grow food with the community, for the community!

Our Saturday volunteer days connect you with the land to learn and grow. Whether you are an expert, or not, you’ll share and learn about urban growing, interact with new people from our beautiful community, and you will love your work. We provide volunteers with free snacks and drinks. Students and community members can earn service hours.

Come and work with us, and help us to build a better (more sustainable, more just and more beautiful) food system!

Every Saturday, rain or shine, between 9am and 1pm at our community garden at the corner of William and Mercer Streets.

PO Box 285, New london, CT 06320, United States
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