Subject: January Newsletter: New Beginnings

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FRESH New London
Dear Friends, 

Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions for 2020?

At the beginning of our staff meetings, we always go around and answer a question aimed at sharing, learning and tone-setting. We take turns coming up with the questions. At our last staff meeting, Alicia asked us to name the animals that represented us in 2019 and what animal we want to represent us in this new year.

And we are sharing that circle with all of you, because it was super fun and revealing and at the end of 2020 we want you to check in with us about how our spirit animals did with us throughout this time. 

Alicia started, saying that in 2019 she was represented by a spider, busy weaving a web of strong but nearly invisible threads that reach out to and connect between different projects, people and communities. For 2020, she wants to be presented by a tortoise, slow and steady, intentional and wise, conserving strength but winning the race. 

Julie shared that in 2019, she was represented by a snail or a shark, one that moving constantly to stay alive. She clarified that she was a shark without the violence. In 2020, she wants to be represented by a beautiful jersey cow, free range and grass fed. Chill and just enjoying the sun. A beloved cow that provides milk (but only when she wants to) and is never killed for burgers.

Sean said that in 2019, his energy was best represented by a spider monkey that is always jumping around and trying to keep up with all the activity, particularly during Saturday workdays. For 2020, he wants to be a hawk, with a calm but focused presence, watching everything from above, able to swoop in when needed (but-- unlike a hawk-- not eat anyone, just to be helpful). 

Frida shared that she like was a prairie dog in 2019, social and energetic, hardworking but maybe digging too many tunnels without an architectural schematic. In 2020, she wants to be a fox, with a sense of place, a permanent den that she goes out from in a deliberate way to hunt down prairie dogs. 

Isn't that fun! Feel free to share with us your answers to this insightful question. 

As winter closes in around us with its post-truth 25 degree to 65 degree pendulum swing, we are getting our proverbial house in order, busy planning for the Spring, and fitfully dreaming about warm, fecund soil and tiny shoots of hope! 
That will not be eaten by sensible tortoises or beautiful cows or sharp-eyed hawks or purposeful foxes. 

Lots on our plates for the fallow, winter season! Our fabulous FRESH Advisory Board is organizing a day of retreat at the end of the month for staff and youth and board members to evaluate and plan. We will soon be able to invite you all to Soups and Signs 2020, our evening of delicious hearty soups and breads!  The dates for our Early and Full Season Plant Sales are set. We are starting to plan for our 25 family CSA program and our Edible New London projects for this growing season. We are working on a project to employ young people building garden beds on properties throughout New London. Thanks for all you do for food security, sustainability and super-ness! 

FRESH New London
Table of Contents

Report on 144 Envelopes

Save the Dates: FRESH Plant Sales Scheduled
> Early, 4/25/2020
>Full Season, 5/30/2020


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