Subject: Zero to Hero... (here's what I did)

It's true...I have the magic sauce...

The right system, the right connections, the proper training...

There's something else I have that some others don't...(Read to the end)

and it wouldn't even matter if those other things above were true...

It's self-confidence...

Did you know that if you don't feel worthy of the success you'll never achieve it?

You might've heard of the expression: "when you're young and foolish".

Do you know why young people are so confident? They haven't experienced pain or failure yet to make them feel inadequate...

As a matter of fact, babies exhibit almost no fear (except being alone), it's only as humans develop and experience this they start to have their self-esteem diminished...

They feel they aren't attractive enough, or smart enough, or driven enough...and then they let an opportunity slide and never take it...

It causes people to not take chances anymore, they'll put off starting something new... every time it happens it's like a minus 1 point against their self-confidence...

It might not seem like much...

But when you do it over and over again across weeks, years, and decades it adds up to hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of negative points...

To the point where the idea of ANYTHING new they're completely resistant to...

The solution?

Honor your word with yourself...

Show up to something you're afraid of that will test whether or not you're capable or worthy...

Just by keeping the commitment, you'll gain a point, and then another by trying...

When you start to add this up your confidence will grow...

To the point where once you've found success, you have the proof you need you're worthy of it too...

It's a vicious cycle turned healthy one.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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