Subject: Your mindset can change EVERYTHING!


I read an important article in Entrepreneur the other day.

Why Ignoring Your Mindset Will Crush Your Business by Daniel Mangena, a successful CEO, and entrepreneur.

Daniel says that businesses fail because of a mindset issue.

Business owners who don’t put time and effort into developing their mindset will fail.

And business owners who don’t grow with their business remain stuck. They fall into old patterns of behavior, and those patterns keep them rooted in where they’ve always been.

And their business doesn’t stand a chance because of their stagnant mindset.

For Daniel, having a healthy mindset is more than visualizing yourself rich.

Because, as he points out, 70% of lottery winners go broke after winning the lottery. And ⅓ of lottery winners go on to declare bankruptcy.

There is a reason for that...Daniel says that lottery winners were never
wealthy in their minds. So when lottery winners play, they reinforce the idea that they are not worthy of money earned.

3 mindset keys to being successful in business. They are:

1. Mindset is the key to removing barriers

Barrier removal is more important than creating or manifesting anything. So although we can manifest and create, barrier removal is the greatest key.

Who are you going to be with money?
How will you manage it?
Will, you even be comfortable having an abundance of money and clients coming to you?

2. Use mindset to manage the subconscious

He shares how important it is to lay out a clear path for us and
our business. He says if we don’t, we’ll be stuck to the status quo and thrown into scarcity. It forces us to question what we want or don’t
want in our business and life.

3. Know who you want to be

Mindset is everything. We must work on no matter if
we’re starting at ground zero or already a business owner experiencing great wealth.

Because it’s a process, we must check in with our emotions around it
daily. We must take note of changes to those feelings as they take place. Because knowing who we want to be will answer a lot of tough questions. It will enable us to make decisions without question and it will propel us forward.

Anyone can become a highly successful person, but not everyone will. And it all comes down to mindset. We must believe that we have what it takes to be successful.

Everything from the money we want to make, how we want to live, and who we want to serve must be at the top of mind.

Does a winner's mindset speak to you?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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