Subject: Your dream life is closer than you think!

Imagine you’re already living your dream life...

What do you see?

A stunning home in a beautiful part of the world?

Tons of time for you and your loved ones?

No more stressing about money?

But if you’re working a 9-5 right now...

It probably feels like YEARS maybe even DECADES before you reach this point.

You might wonder:

“What if it takes too long and I never get to live my dream life?”

That’s a scary thought...

And for most people, it’s a reality.

They don’t make changes to achieve their dream life...

And one day, it’s too late.

But that doesn’t have to be you!

Here’s an exercise that’ll help you stay on track.

We call it:

Reverse Engineering Your Dream life.

Let’s say your dream life costs $120k per year...

Instead of setting a goal to make $120k...break it down into months.

To hit it per month you need to hit $10k minimum.

To hit it per week, you need $2500 minimum.

And if you’re working 5 days per week...

You need $500 per day to hit $120k/year.

Still with me?

Okay, now go and put the number you need and reverse engineer how much you need per day.

Once you know how much you need per day, compare your current life with your dream life and see what’s missing.

We did this when we were back in the oil & gas industry, and we realized the only way we could get to our dream life was with an online business.

That was the piece missing for us.

In a job, you have to trade your time for income.

No matter how hard we worked, we didn’t have enough time to hit our dream income.

But when we built our online business, things started changing for us. ;)

And you can do this too.

There are plenty of online business models out there. So choose the one that makes the most sense for you.

We chose High Ticket Sales because it's one of the simplest ways to build an online business...

We didn't need to stock any physical products - so our overhead was super low...

The best part?

Once we were up and running, it can grow almost by itself...

And the rest is history.

Nowadays, we have resources to help people like you build a successful online business...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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