Subject: Your Moral Obligation (Yes, really)

For what felt like an eternity, I was caught in a perpetual backslide.

Always battling to make ends meet. Dime and nickel counting became my second job.

In my mind's eye, I painted a vivid picture of the joy I'd feel once the money started rolling in.

In the network marketing realm, I'd gaze at my upline, awestruck by their confidence. I'd daydream about the time when I'd have a robust team and be that influential leader shepherding a vast organization.

I'd watch speakers peddling their training products, and imagine how sweet it would feel once I started making some green and could afford those tools.

The mantra that kept echoing in my head was...

I'll do it when.

Funny, right? I thought that was the yellow brick road to happiness and success.

Turns out, I was way off base. Here's why:

If you're not finding joy in your journey now, even while strapped for cash, more money isn't going to suddenly transform you into a Zen master.

The fountainhead of happiness isn't out there, it's in here. If you're constantly searching for external factors to bring you joy, you'll always be on that elusive quest.

As clichéd as it may sound, happiness is an inside job.

If you're not exuding confidence now, chances are you won't amass a big team because people are drawn to confidence like moths to a flame.

A big team doesn't brew confidence in you.

YOU, my friend, are the distillery of your confidence.

If you're banking on some external entity to boost your confidence, you're setting yourself up for an endless wild goose chase.

Confidence, like happiness, is an inside job.

If you're not investing in your personal growth now, you'll miss out on the internal and external skills required to build wealth.

Self-investment is the front runner... it takes the pole position.

Proclaiming you'll invest in learning once you're raking in the cash is as absurd as saying, "I'm failing Math, but I'll hire a tutor once I start acing it."

Sounds ludicrous, right? But that's the mindset that keeps the poor shackled.

Listen, if your heart is set on wealth, you've got to shake off the poverty mindset that whispers, "I'll do it (or be it) when"

…and flip the script to:

I'll do it (and be it) NOW!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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