Subject: Working without a (safety) net...

To reach their dreams people value support...

and many want to reach them without any kind of risk...

But they look for danger even when it doesn't actually exist...

I once went bungee jumping...

People ask me how I was able to get on...wasn’t I worried about the cords breaking?

No. Because there were 2.

Each one I examined before I got on: both about as thick as a tree truck with several gold copper strands wrapped layer and layer overtop of each one...

Never felt safer in my life...

When you worry about a small chance of failure, you’ll miss a good chance of success.

If it was 3 feet off the ground I bet no one would've been afraid...

But the perceived danger suddenly makes people think failure will occur...

But if you knew a person who went first, saw the proof of concept...

You'd realize the unknown isn't scary if you KNOW you'll never be in any danger...

Why would you assume you'd fail when they didn't?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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