Subject: Why most Marketers make Nothing...

It's a pretty well-known fact...

The majority of network and affiliate marketers make NOTHING.


It's a sad fact but a fact nonetheless.

So the question is... WHY?

And I comin' at ya with some answers.

At least my opinions.

Here's why I believe most marketers don't make money:

1.  Low Financial Barrier to Entry

You can gain entry into most Network Marketing for less than a hundred bucks.

It's even less sometimes for affiliate marketers.

In comparison, most franchises and brick-and-mortar businesses require hundreds of thousands of dollars in upfront funding.

And therein lies a problem...

Most marketers aren't really marketers -- they are wannabes.

This isn't a problem, except for reason #2...

2.  Unrealistic Expectations

Most newbies don't have the skills to make significant bank, or any at all.

Yet most believe it's so easy that the money will just come flowing in.

And it's these unrealistic expectations that set them up for failure.

There are lots of unscrupulous marketers who set you up to have these false expectations, but it is what it is.

3.  Lack of Necessary Skills

There aren't a lot of necessary skills to be mastered in marketing, but there are some.

And since most newbies come from a situation where they've never had to learn these skills, it will take time.

The trouble for most is...

Identifying these skills

And taking the time to learn them.

Most don't want to take the time.

4.  They're on the "no plan" plan

Most newbies' idea of a business plan is which friends and family they can hit up to buy their stuff. 

That's not a plan... it's hitting up your pity market.

If you want to be successful in your business, you must have a business plan, supported by a marketing plan.

I'm on a platform that supports both of these things.

Reply to tis email to get some of the details.

Chat soon,

Carole & Ron

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