Subject: Why blackbelts are good in business...

Did you know blackbelts have a lot in common with successful entrepreneurs?


It’s true.


See, in martial arts, there are a ton of people who start learning, but never continue...


They learn some basic techniques on YouTube, they go to a few classes, but then they give up.


They bitch and whine.


They complain they can’t defend themselves. Or that they’re not naturally good...


But then you have the blackbelts.


These guys are in it for the long run. They know they won’t see results immediately, but they keep going.


They don’t give up even when things get tough.


And successful entrepreneurs are the same...


Successful entrepreneurs aren’t dabblers.


A lot of people fantasize about entrepreneurship...


They dream about going from a no-name employee to an internet sensation. And how they’ll get millions with their online business...


But the reality is, entrepreneurship is a lot of work.


It’s easy to look at all the entrepreneurs that made it. But you don’t ever hear of the ones that didn’t make it.


You don’t hear about all the late nights..


The time spent figuring out how to make it work...


That was me.


I worked day and night.


I would fall asleep at my computer some nights...


And I barely saw anyone...


That’s what no one talks about.


Entrepreneurship is a demanding journey most aren’t ready for.


That’s why I encourage people to commit to a business before they do anything else.


If you want to be an entrepreneur, start with ONE business- and build from there.


If you are committed and you can make your business work, chances are you’ll be able to keep going.


Also, once you have good business skills, you’ll be able to generate revenue with a lot less risk.


If you’re serious about entrepreneurship and you want to commit to your own business, respond to this email and we can get started.



Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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