Subject: Why Less Than 1%?

Why is it that less than 1% of people who start their own business, ever achieve Millionaire status?

Why is it so low when the same opportunities are there for everyone?

It's because the actions of that 1% aren't just different from the norm, they are RADICALLY different.

The 7-figure Entrepreneurs think about money radically differently.

They think about debt radically differently.

They think about websites and online marketing radically differently.

They think about failure and criticism radically differently.

And on, and on. It's a long list.

If you're not willing to think radically differently about money and wealth, you are setting yourself up to live among the 99%.

If you are willing to think radically differently, you could literally be opening the gates to Financial Success.


By the way, 99% get an email like this and dismiss it.

The 1% devour every opportunity they have to learn about how to make money online. They obsess about absorbing every piece of information on it.

"What would happen if you obsessed about discovering how Entrepreneur Millionaires achieve their wealth?"

If that question fascinates you too, welcome to the 1%.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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