Subject: Why Health=Wealth

Here's why you're rewarded or punished financially for the life you've led:

Because your Health equals your Wealth...

People often say this:

"I'm so tired at the end of the day"

"You mean you're dying from a disease" I'll ask.

"No it's just my job I hate it...(or my boss/coworkers etc)"

Ask yourself this question:

If you're too tired to change your life, in 20 years will you be more wealthy if you're not healthy?

Health equals Wealth...

Many people sign on with an employer to get a nice salary but also a decent healthcare package...

Only to realize by choosing that scenario they are likely to need to make use of it...

Because when their health suffers so too does their wealth...

I'm here to tell you this:

If you're punishing yourself you don't have to if you don't want to.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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