Subject: When no one on your team is working the business?

The question I get often is…


“What do you do when you’re putting people in the business, and no one is working the business?”


This is a great question!


The first thing we want to do is take a look at who you’re putting in the business.


Maybe the pond you’re fishing in is the wrong pond.


Who we bring into the business is vital if our goal is to work with self-starters?


These are people you don’t need to convince to do the business…..


These are the people who are looking for more out of life……


People who are proactive and get after it…….


These are professionals……


When you start recruiting professionals, everything changes……


They get right to business and start making things happen……


 It’s effortless for them because they’re already used to this type of business model…….


They’re also opportunity minded…….


You'll thank me once you start following this system…….

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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