Subject: What's not having a boss ACTUALLY like...

It's like being a kid vs an adult ironically enough:

What's the big change?

Rules and freedom.

You know when we were kids we had less responsibility and more freedom...

But we had way more rules?

That's employment vs being out on your own...

You see I have to "work" longer...

And It's up to me to make sure it gets done...

And frankly, I have more rules to follow: everything from policies and procedures, etc...

But I actually have more FREEDOM:

I decide who I work with, when I work, how much I earn...

NO ONE decides that for me...and no one ever will again...

If having less responsibility actually makes you happier...

And you're content to have less responsibility and let others decide your've won...

But If you find yourself in those downtime moments wanting to create a life by design with freedom...

Get it moving and don't waste any time doing it (or waste any time only THINKING about it)...

Because nothing comes to dreamers but a dream...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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