Subject: What is freedom? (How it's actually created)

90 plus percent of people will get this wrong:

What freedom actually is would be having free will to say, act, and think as one wants...

If you come from a Western world or a country with a legitimate ruling body, these are luxuries that you already have...

To some people freedom is traveling, for others freedom is having a house in one spot, more time with kids, less time at a job, etc.

People's idea of freedom varies, some want more assets that they have to be accountable for, others less...

Rather than being free, here's what freedom means to people and what they ACTUALLY want:

They want to have what they want when they want it.

It's that simple, people have wants, and they would want to have their wants satisfied immediately.

When I worked in the oil and gas industry, I traveled 1 hour to work each way:

Because I spent a lot of time on the road I would think about how this wasn't the best use of my time...

Because though my job involved showing up working for people, I wasn't treating myself like I should...

So I started thinking about ways to transition out of what I was doing...

Most people in jobs are like this: making themselves available for others wants when they have them rather than their own...

So if you want what you want when you want it...

Show up for yourself first (or last) and service yourself with what you need:

Talk to mentors

Read books

Watch audio and videos

and of course, IMPLEMENT what you learn...

That's the key to creating what you want.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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