Subject: What are you capable of?

I watched an incredible documentary on Netflix recently that every entrepreneur should watch.  

It's called The Creative Brain.

In the documentary Neuroscientist, David Eagleman studies the creative process.

Eagleman looks at creative innovators to understand their process. And he shows viewers the central functions and processes of the creative brain.

It was an incredible documentary.

Early on in the program, Eagleman asks: "Where does creativity come from and how can we harness it in our lives?"

Eagleman talks to architects, engineers, performers, writers, biologists, and other creators.

The point he's making is that you can be creative in any field. Creativity
applies to every person and every career.

The human brain fascinates Eagleman and it fascinates me too.

Because what we know and love – such as the car or the airplane – were born out of human imagination.

Think of anything we enjoy and use today.

These things were once ideas that people pursued and brought to life.
Eagleman shows us how we can all tap into the process behind creativity and apply it to our lives.

Because the point of the documentary is to show us as humans what the human brain is capable of.

And the short answer is that our brains are capable of almost anything.

It's a unique and personal process that we should get comfortable exploring.

As entrepreneurs, we innovate.

It's our passion and our mission to help people and grow.

And that's why it's so important for us to THINK OUTSIDE of the box and to let our creativity flow.

So exploring new avenues and not being afraid to try new and HARD things is the only way to win.

Because we want to provide unique and impactful solutions.

And the only way we can do that is if we KEEP LEARNING and GROWING.

So how do we do that?

We get creative and innovative when we HARNESS wisdom and IDEAS.

And we do that with help.

A great coach offers guidance and support that has a BIG IMPACT.  

COACHES bring out the best in us. They push us to be creative, think outside the box, and they help us grow as people and as entrepreneurs.

We should all have coaches to spark our creative brains and be a part of our growth.

Because the best ideas, and the most value, comes from connecting.

Your friend and mentor,

Ron & Carole

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