Subject: What Does it Really Take!!

Let's sit down and have a heart-to-heart on what it REALLY takes to grow a business.

Let me start with a dose of truth...

'Building an online business requires you to make some sacrifices.'

So, let me ask you, what are you willing to give up or sacrifice at the moment to grow an online business and get it to where you want it to be?

If you can't come up with anything significant then you probably aren't passionate enough about what you want to do.

Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you they had to temporarily sacrifice things like:

• Time with family

• A good night’s sleep

• Leisure time with friends

• A certain hobby

But Carole – isn't entrepreneurship supposed to bring me freedom, and now you’re telling me I’m having to give things up like time with family and vacations?

Yes, but let’s not lose sight of the big picture here.

The sacrifices you'll make are ONLY for a season.

Sacrificing family time for a long period of time is NOT sustainable.

Losing sleep for too long is NOT sustainable.

Currently, I'm in the season of life where I'm working on building a team and helping them grow their business.

And my vision for it is HUGE because I know I’m going to help so many people.

So, I've hunkered down and will make some temporary sacrifices to get it done.

Listen, my friend, no big reward comes without some level of sacrifice.

When you have a BIG vision for your business and you're extremely passionate about it, you won't feel bad about making temporary sacrifices.

Because in the long run, you know that the things that you give up often have a way of finding their way back to you once your business finds its groove.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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