Subject: Want to accelerate your growth?

As entrepreneurs, we can help a lot of people.

But, for so many of us, there is still a missing piece.

Because, while we are highly skilled, we don’t always believe we can grow and scale in a big way.

And this limiting belief, around what is possible in the entrepreneurial space, holds many of us back.

Many work like dogs until burnout sets in or ‘retirement’ comes.

And it’s a big problem.  

It takes confidence and self-belief to believe in something greater for ourselves.

And it takes confidence and self-belief to acknowledge that things need to change.

Because change can be scary.

It’s not easy to learn new tactics and techniques to find the right clients online.

Yet if we want to scale and grow. If we want to impact more lives, that’s exactly what we need to do.

But we must understand that confidence and self-belief don’t happen overnight.

They are built up over time. And the foundation of it all is courage.

Courage requires us to move through fear. And it needs us to take action even when we don't want to.

Having courage doesn’t mean we don’t feel fear. It means we feel fear and we do the thing we know we must do anyway.

No matter what.

Because the only way to develop capability and confidence is to take action.

But the only way to take action is to have courage and use it.

We can never achieve the highest level of confidence and capability if we allow fear to hold us back.

So we should do something that scares us every single day. Because that’s how we grow and win

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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