Subject: Unpaid commission...

"The more mistakes you make...the costlier your life becomes."

May mentor told me this once.

And he also said this:

"Money is everywhere just have to look at what creates it...and use it to create more of it".

You see when I started my online business I was able to do some creative financing...

But I did it at a time when the economy wasn't destroyed...

Here's what the masses are likely to do:

They'll sell off the consumer products they purchased over their lifetime in a cash flow crunch in the next couple of years...

Things like baseball cards, stuffed animals, excess jewelry,(whatever it takes)...

In doing so they'll flood the market and receive far less for them than what they paid...

The alternative?

Create assets for yourself instead that will appreciate...

Once you have the assets that do, you could actually even buy up some of these consumer products others are selling for cheaper in a couple of years too...

You'd have the best of both worlds.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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