Subject: Ultimate Manipulation...

Guess what.

You manipulate people every single day.

Your family.

Your friends.


Maybe you try to convince your spouse to go to a certain movie.

Maybe you convince your kids to go to bed at a reasonable time.

Maybe you convince your friends to invest in a business.


Manipulation has a bad reputation because it has a negative connotation.

But it’s the EXACT same as persuasion.

The only difference is that manipulation is using persuasion to negatively impact someone.

Persuasion and influence, on the other hand, are about taking action to get someone to do something that has a positive impact on Their Life.

And that’s why I’m going to persuade the heck out of you to watch this 30 min. video.

This will give you everything you need to make the decision to start your own business online so you can catapult your success and start seeing some real results… quickly.

So, yes, I’m happily going to persuade the heck out of you.

As a result, you could change forever.



Okay, good.

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Ron & Carole

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