Subject: This message could save your life...

We'll see if it does...

Cause for all you and I know...this question may mean that as a difference...

We're in the second month of the year and people are tired but well into the daily grind for another year...

Sometimes they begin to forget what it was they were trying to do for their goals...

I sent this a month AFTER new year's rather than BEFORE to test you:

Are you still working on whatever your new year's goal was?

There's one thing success and disaster often have in common:

They usually don't come out of the blue...

Cancer can appear after years of improper health...

Often in stage 3 is when it's usually caught...

So is happens in stages...

It's engineered by a person who takes the time to map it out...

By this time next year, what will you be?

Will you be a success story or a disaster waiting to happen?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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