Subject: This is embarrassing but……

I’m forced to admit it…..



My role models have changed...



When I was a young girl...



Barbie was my idol...



She was beautiful...popular...and she had access to all the best opportunity...



She had it made...



I probably could have had a life like that too...



But the truth is...I don't want it...



Because the sad reality is...if Barbie were to actually grow old,



She would realize the life she had was wasted...her talents never developed...never appreciated...

She just would have been used for who she was...never growing into what she could actually be...



My role models today all EARNED their success...they live, breathe, and feel it in every fiber of their being...



It can't ever be taken away...



Do you have a role model like that?


Chat soon,

Ron & Carole



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