Subject: This Manifestation Hack Will Change the Game for You✨

Insert "desire" instead of "want" in your manifestation practice, and watch what happens.

When it comes to manifestation, putting energy behind our language is PIVOTAL.

Most people don’t realize that when they think they’re manifesting the thing they want, they’re actually manifesting MORE of the thing they don’t want.

So how does that happen?

OK, think about the word “want”. When you want something, your brain is telling you that you don’t have the thing (whatever it is) yet.

The energy behind the word “want” is one of lack, a state of not having. When you put energy + thought into "wanting" something, you are actually separating yourself from the thing, and reinforcing the not having of it.

So calling in more experiences of "wanting and not having" that thing.

The energy behind the word "desire" on the other hand doesn't necessarily imply not having something. Instead, it emphasizes the possibility of having it - an energy shift that may seem subtle but it can actually be a powerful game-changer.

Try this out for yourself today - open your journal and write out what you're desiring to experience in your life (ie. I live in a warmer climate and have the beach readily accessible) or you know, something specific to your life... ;-).

Notice how tweaking the language even just a little will spark that desire inside you so that you begin to visualize it, see it, touch it, smell it, taste it.

That is the energy of manifestation.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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