Subject: This Helped me Stop People Pleasing...

Last week I told someone they weren’t a good fit for my program.

This was really hard for me to do in the past.

I would have thought I was being mean, hurtful, rude.

As a people pleaser, I was scared of hurting other’s feelings.

In the past I would have felt like I was "rejecting" them. But the truth is, that I'm being honest with them.

This person and myself just simply aren’t the right fit to work together at this time.

 My program is not in alignment with where they are at on their journey.

🧡 There’s nothing wrong with this person.

🧡 There’s nothing wrong with me.

It's simply not a match.

What’s made the biggest difference in me overcoming people pleasing has been using my voice…

✨ Using my voice is - choosing to be courageous and speak up even when it’s uncomfortable & scary and realizing that on the other side I'M OKAY and so is the other person

✨ Upping my belief in my own self worth - people pleasing is actually about protecting ourselves, not so much the other person. When I deeply believe that I am worthy, & capable, it makes it a lot easier to speak up.

✨ Trusting myself - trusting that my intentions are clean and however the message is received, that I can handle what happens next.

Overcoming my tendencies to people please has made a massive difference in my business & success!

Are you also a recovering people pleaser?

How have these tendencies hindered you in scaling your online biz?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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