Subject: The truth bomb goes off in 3....2....1....

"You're already an just don't know it yet..."



I laughed at him when he told me...but my mentor was right....



I was all along...



...and so was my husband...



He was a Safety Specialist...he educated workers on how to stay safe on the work site....



...and I worked in the ER and help people as they came in...



We somehow thought we knew everything our mentor didn't....




Till he told me there's one thing he didn't do that the 2 of us did:



"I serve people too...but unlike you 2 I don't clean up anybody's mess..."



My husband and I both looked at each other and realized he was right...



We WERE entrepreneur’s...



We served people...We fixed problems...



He had dirt on his coveralls, and I had stains on my uniform...



but sometimes less is more...


Chat soon,

Carole and Ron

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