Subject: The secret of happy and successful people...


It’s something you experience when you do something you fervently believe in.

Something that completely resonates with your heart and spirit.

Your passion reflects the things you believe, enjoy, want to be around, and love.

And because of that, it’s something that doesn’t come from your head.

It comes from your heart.

Now, when I think of passion, I don’t think about it as things I have to do.

Instead, my passions are things I really want to do.

I can do them even if I’m not paid for them.

Do you love your work?

Let me ask you…

Are you genuinely passionate about your work?

Does it make you want to spring out of bed in the morning?

Do you work tirelessly for hours without realizing how much time has actually passed?

If not, well, I’m sorry to tell you this…

You’re not truly passionate about what you do.

So, the question now is: How do you find your passion?

You can do it with two easy steps.

Step one:

Think about the things that you enjoy.

Then, think about the things you look forward to doing.

Because here’s the thing…

They are the things that you absolutely want to do.

Step two:

Whatever makes both of those lists are the things that you are absolutely passionate about.

They are the things that resonate with your heart, that you fervently believe in.

So, if your current work didn’t make it into both those two lists, then I’m sorry to say…

You have some reassessing to do about your life.

Because I know that wealthy AND happy people have one thing in common:

They absolutely love what they did to get them there.

Following your passions doesn’t have to stand in the way of your success and financial freedom.

It actually helps you get there!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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