Subject: The question I ask myself every year...

August is almost over, and we’re in the last half of 2022.

This means summer break is almost over, if you have kids, and if you don't, maybe this time of year is when you look at the gas pedal for the rest of the year…

This time of the year, I ask myself the same question that I recommend you ask yourself too.

The question is...

What went better this year compared to last year?

Essentially, you're looking for what improved and what areas of your life you should focus on for the rest of this year.

Now, one of the key areas of your life you should be reviewing is how your business has done overall.

• Have you made more money than the previous year?

• Were you able to spend more time doing what you love?

• What impact did you have on others?

All of these questions are tied directly to how your business did overall.

If you haven't made much progress or worse, your business has gone backward...

I encourage you to be honest with yourself.

That honesty helps you determine if it’s time to look at something different…

Listen, if you're not happy with the answers to those questions and you're committed to making this year your best yet...

I'd be happy to help.

And if you have any questions, just reply to this email and I’d be happy to answer them.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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