Subject: The billionaire secret (Steve Jobs story)

I remember reading this Steve Jobs story once:

He was walking on the street in some neighborhood in Palo Alto.

But it wasn’t just any street...

Every single house on it BELONGED to an Apple employee.

It was the proudest moment of his life.

And this inspires me.

It inspires me to do the best I can for my family, and my team.

I want everyone to achieve their goals & dreams.

Maybe it sounds vanilla, but let’s contrast it with what happened at the grocery store I went to recently to get a few things...

A customer in front of me asked the lady at the cash how her day was going.

Her response, in a very apathetic tone:

“Eh, you know, I gotta come into work.”


But not for the employee, don’t get me wrong.

Rather for the whole “exchanging time for money” culture in our society.

I remember when I was in the corporate world and I started at 6 AM every morning.

Which meant I had to be in my car by 5 AM, in the Canadian winter and then driving 50 minutes to my office. (90+ minutes to get home)

This one time when I parked outside my office I just stared at a concrete wall for 5 minutes.

I thought:

“What the Heck am I doing with my life?”

It was my turning point.

Because it’s not just about the money.

You can be earning 6 or 7 figures, but if you only get to see your family for a few hours after your 16-hour workday...

What’s the point?

I prefer being like Steve Jobs.

And helping every entrepreneur, whose life I touch, to satisfy their innermost desires...

Without them building a cage for themselves.

Create a world where every man, woman, and child has the ability to live a great quality of life with amazing health, amazing abundance, and do work that they LOVE.

I know it’s never going to happen for every person on the planet.

But it’s my mission to make it happen for as many people as possible.

If you’d like my help,

Reply to this email and we’ll have a chat.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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