Subject: The 'Magic Bullet' for success

Let me ask you a serious question right now:

Are you where you want to be in your career?

Do you have the freedom you want?

Do you have disposable income to have fun experiences?

Do you have the certainty that you don't have to worry about money?

Be completely honest here. If you were to give yourself a score out of 10, what number would you be?

You see - most people are a 5 or below. They're nowhere near where they want to be.

The explanation for this lack of progress is actually quite simple:

People aren't where they want to be because they're not willing to fully invest in themselves.

Read that again.

Most people don't achieve anything in life...

Most people don't have the career they want...

Most people don't have the body they want...

Most of these people aren't where they want to be because they're waiting for the 'Magic Bullet' instead of going out there and getting help from the people who will make them grow.

Think about it like this:

If you were struggling in school, you wouldn't wait until you were getting the best grades to hire a tutor.

Heck no! That doesn't make any sense.

You hire the tutor as you're struggling so they can help you get to where you want to be.

This is why most people don't succeed when starting their own business. They're not willing to invest in training before they're successful to reach the levels of success they want to reach.

It's a fatal flaw and it's why 80% of people quit within the first year.

I hope you see how dangerous this can be to your success.

So, if you take anything away from this email, let it be this:

Be willing to invest in yourself first and learn from the best. If you don't, you'll make little progress and be stuck where you are.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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