Subject: The 3 Levels Of Motivation (use these to motivate yourself and others)

The 3 levels of motivation.

If you don't already know what the 3 levels of motivation are, this email is for you.

That's just on a personal level.

However, as a leader, it’s also critically important you understand these three levels because it helps you motivate and lead others.

Level 1 Motivation: Money & Things

The first level of motivation is the most shallow. And please know when I say shallow, I don’t mean shallow as a negative. There is nothing wrong with wanting more money or nice things.

If you believe rich people are evil, shady, unethical, etc., you will have a very hard time becoming wealthy yourself because your subconscious will be working in the background to avoid you becoming any of those things.

I work hard for my money.

So I worked towards nice things, and it’s nice having them.

But the thrill of owning these things can wear off fairly quickly.

Again, there is nothing wrong with wanting nice things…

I still want nice things. Just realize that if you want to fuel yourself to produce at the highest levels, you’ll want to tap into levels 2 and 3…

Level 2 Motivation: Recognition and Respect

Babies cry for it, men die for it. Whether we want to admit it or not, we want to be recognized and respected.

It’s why every major network marketing company puts a huge emphasis on recognition in addition to the compensation. It’s the same in the corporate world. Employee surveys have found that salary is almost never the primary factor that leads to job satisfaction.

Being acknowledged, appreciated, and respected is actually a bigger motivator.

As a leader, it’s critical for you to understand this as a huge motivational factor in leadership.

Level 3 Motivation: Purpose and Calling

It took me a long time to tap into this level. 

What allowed me to step into my real power was when I discovered a purpose that fueled my soul to produce and serve at the highest levels.  

This is how I’ve sustained the energy to create something so much larger than I ever could have only working from levels 1 and 2.

Because I’m very clear on exactly why God put me on this earth, I’m able to harness a level of motivation that goes beyond anything I ever felt when I was focused on the first two levels.

I’ll be back soon and I’ll share with you what allowed me to discover that purpose.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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