Subject: The 2 types of people recessions hurt the most....

Ignorance is bliss? Not always.

Here's who will get hurt the most:

The arrogant(ill-informed)...the lazy...the over-leveraged...

The over-leveraged/ill-informed:

Over-leverage applies to any profession:

You may afford your lifestyle now, but if mortgage rates skyrocket or you suddenly had a baby or an accident...your threshold of affordability is broken...

..and no one could/would hire you because they're conducting layoffs of their own...

The lazy:

Safe in a job because you're a specialist?

What if raises don't keep up the rate of inflation...your employers may not pay you enough to keep your lifestyle...

You can be ill-informed and still not be can be over-leveraged and not be aware,

You may not see the problem till it's too late...

If you'd like to learn more, REPLY back and let me know.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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