Subject: The #1 reason people fail to accomplish their goals...

Hey There,

Spoiler Alert:

That New Year’s “resolution” you may have already tried to implement…

You’re not going to accomplish it.

Well, maybe you will.

Maybe you’ll make some progress but fall short of your ultimate goal.

We’ve all read the studies that approximately 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail… usually by the first week of February.

“Okay, Carole. Why are you coming at me like this all negative?”

I’m not trying to be negative… just realistic.

I know many people have started to make a change at the start of this year.

That’s why, if you haven’t already, I encourage you to start thinking about what you want to accomplish in the coming year…

And take the steps to make it happen NOW considering both the external (tactical) steps and the internal (mindset) shifts.

I personally like to take time and conduct a year-end review of what’s gone well (in both my business and my life)... and what hasn’t.

Then, I start thinking about what decisions I can make differently regarding my focus, energy, and time for the next year...

And start formulating that plan, making those decisions, and ingraining into my identity that “I’m the type of person who WILL accomplish this” – NOW.

Why wait for the clock to read a certain date or time to start taking the steps that I believe will reap more rewards, bring more fulfillment, and make my business and life even better?

Why wait to get the help, support, and accountability I need to take those steps?

Why wait to invest in myself when I can start creating the momentum I need RIGHT NOW and leverage it to accomplish even more in 2022?

(Especially when I can take a few extra deductions for this year’s taxes.)

The #1 reason people fail to accomplish their goals or create lasting, tangible changes in their lives is that they don’t change themselves FIRST.

If thoughts and patterns of procrastination, doubt, self-sabotage, and overwhelm dictate your decisions now…

They’re the same roadblocks that are going to stand in the way of creating different results in your business or life moving forward.

So, while you can make perfectly respectable goals (or resolutions) for yourself that—on paper—sound great…

If you don’t actually believe in your ability to accomplish it (subconsciously), they’re probably not going to happen.

Einstein once said:

“We cannot solve a problem on the level of consciousness that created it.”

At the end of the day...

Making meaningful changes in your life alone or in a vacuum is damn near impossible.

That’s why the best entrepreneurs in the world get outside help and ongoing accountability to keep growing and moving forward.

The moral of this email?

No matter what you want to accomplish in your business and your life…

You must believe in your ability to achieve it and start thinking, believing, and acting like the type of person for whom it’s an inevitable reality.

And the best way to do that is NOT alone… it’s with support.

With that said, We’d love to know what your goals are RIGHT NOW and what you’re committed to doing in order to achieve them?

Reply back to this email and let us know.

We're always here to support you.

To Your Success,

Ron & Carole

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