Subject: Thank You!

Spring is right around the corner. (Well in Canada anyway! LOL!!)

How do I feel?


That's what I feel.

Writer Roy T. Bennett says about gratitude:

“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?”

I believe those words.

And in the spirit of gratitude here are 6 things I’m grateful for:

#1: I’m grateful that opposites really do attract! That’s how I ended up with my handsome, and trusted confidant, Ron. Who’s the simmer to my boil. The blue in my sky. The mac to my cheese 😊

#2: I’m grateful that we have a beautiful son, who had grown to be an Amazing young man.

#3: I’m grateful that I get up every morning and am still excited about tackling the day.

#4: I’m grateful for all of the amazing memories of breathtaking views.

#5: I’m grateful for our amazing team –Here’s to another successful, adventure-packed year together. You’ve all been exactly what this business needed.

#6: Finally, and importantly, I’m grateful for you and this wonderful community. I hope I can add more of you to my network of genuine friends, and amazing people from across the globe.

This list is by no means all-inclusive. But it covers many of the things for which I’m most grateful – and honestly, it’s such a good exercise for entrepreneurs to make it a daily habit.

In fact, I’d like to hear from you about what you’re grateful for – I love hearing what people are grateful for. It’s such a boost for me.

What is one thing you’re grateful for in your life today?

Let me know in your reply.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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