Subject: TRENDING!!


They seem to come and go.

By definition, trends indicate what is popular NOW . . . sometimes without much thought to their effects or longevity.

When it comes to success in your business, we have seen trends from Spamela Pamela to Secret Sally.

We've sent cold "Hey Girl" messages

We've made lists upon lists

We've created curiosity

We've friended and chatted

We've posted about our business

We've kept our business a secret

We've used bots, groups, and stories

And here's the thing...


But only if they feel good to you, keep you motivated, and get you the results you're looking for. If what you are doing is working for YOU, then don't overhaul your business to do what works for someone else.

It's okay to do what works for you - even if it's not the TREND.

And it's okay to adjust or improve what you are doing by implementing a new TREND.

If you're looking to start a business or a new TREND.....

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Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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