Subject: She didn't want to be a broke Mom....

You’ve may have seen Kristie in a few videos, but what you may not know about her, 3 years ago she was flat broke.


We’re talking having to split payments on 2 separate cards to buy eggs and rice broke.


Have you ever gotten to the checkout at the supermarket and felt so low because you’re scared that your card is going to get declined?

Or that you’ve had to couch dive to scrape up a few dollars to buy food?


That broke.


This was 3 years ago.


So how does someone go from that, to now this AMAZING woman on these videos?


1. She reached her “screw this” moment when she was pregnant with her first child.

2. She decided that she didn’t want to be that dead broke Mom.

3. She went ALL IN with nothing to lose but everything to gain and invested in a high ticket business model (did whatever it took to create the investment for it)


THIS exact business model is what you could have access to right now.


We’re not saying that in 3 years you’ll be a millionaire, what we’re saying is that those who go all in on their dreams get closer to creating them than those that don’t.


It's incredibly exciting to be led and guided by someone that’s BEEN there and created life on their terms?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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