Subject: She cried because of this (hint it's not me)...

Carmen (that's what we'll call her...since that's who she is lol)

is a 43-year-old woman who became a business owner...

She was in such a deep financial hole and traveling on the road as a business owner...

She didn't even know how to use a piece of technology to her name...

and yet somehow she became a top business owner with recognition to rival ours...

Though she had much easier tools and processes to work with than we did, we greatly respected her...

Being on the road and practically working day and night to build a life where she could walk away forever from long traveling days, teach for fun, and just do yoga at home with her horses...

I cried too...

because it took us back to the long endless nights we had to figure out "bottlenecks" inside of a business opportunity that no one else had...

It's because of her and people like her (and frankly people like us too) that we want to give them an easier go of getting started on their dreams...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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